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Wednesday, 13 April 2011

I'm so demotivated at the moment

So I've just finished the bribed coursework for my older brother, I still don't understand how I can produce an essay on a subject matter that I have no knowledge about - thankfully the internet, as I've recently realised, knows no boundaries in any subject matter whatsoever (even the illegal things are out there you just have to search long and hard and sure enough you'll 'accidently' stumble across it). At least my conscious can rest in knowing that he held his end of the bargain, even if I do feel like I've mugged him for what he's doing for me - and I'll leave it at that.

So my 12-year little brother looks promising. On top of his weekly laundry chores he has inadvertently taken on the dangerous task of cooking (the danger lies not in the stove but in the chore). If I know my older brother well, I know that he will try his utmost to bribe and bargain with my younger brother to take over his cooking rota for the week. This is a common theme of my home life: both my brothers arguing, making bargains and later hating each other. 

Now moving into my demotivated state. I feel so not bothered with anything at the moment, I am filling time by posting this entry even though I have tonnes of work to do.

Suddenly, my older brother just came in and on hearing the great news of me completing his essay he dragged me to the floor and gave me apparently the 'best massage ever', yeah right I've had better (by the way this doesn't sound gay at all). So yeah that was interesting, but the thrilling moment came when we tasted my younger brother's chicken curry, I was absolutely gob-smacked - it was even more tasty than my own cooking! This is now his second curry and his first independent cook. I don't know what kind of deprived childhood he has to look forward to but lets all hope that  its a tasty one.I went for seconds, thirds and even managed a fourth all the while apologising to my little bro for eating a quarter of his chicken curry in one meal, I'm such a pig. And so I slyly arranged him to actually have his own week of cooking rota, and docilely he accepted - no further questions were asked, at times like this I feel so evil - muhahahah! 

And so the rest of the day was quite 'waste' as one may call it in the 'hood', yeah I'm talking like this after recently watching a Youtube video on 30 slang words you need to know (especially if you live in East London). Until next time...

1 comment:

Mavoop said...

The better massages were from me, no?